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Fluid frequently collects in the lower extremities of elderly people because their heart is not able to pump the fluid adequately and it backs up. The fluid settles to the lower extremities by gravity.

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Q: What would cause fluid retention in the legs and ankles of an elderly person?
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Can kidney problems cause swelling in feet and ankles?

YES. If the kidneys are not functioning properly you will get water retention causing swelling of feet and ankles.

Does Cipro cause fluid retention?

I've been on Cipro for nearly a week as a treatment for a uninary tract infection. I've had bad fluid retention in my feet and ankles. One source says that it can cause this in 1% of the people using it. Lucky me.

Can too much salt cause ankle swelling?

Yes, consuming too much salt can cause ankle/foot swelling. Because over consumption will cause the body to retain more water, the ankles can swell from the water retention.

What causes swollen ankles and swollen neck at the same time?

Fluid retention caused by excess salt intake can cause swollen ankles and a swollen neck. Usually, a swollen neck is caused by swollen lymph nodes which are caused by an infection of some type but since your ankles are swollen also I would suspect fluid retention. Try severely limiting your intake of salt. Do not just eliminate white table salt. Also eliminate salt from processed meats and snacks.

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Can anesthesia cause fluid retention

Can an elderly person falling cause a blood clot?

if a bone is broken it certainly can.

Can sitting too long cause swollen ankles?

Sitting for long periods, anywhere, CAN cause swollen ankles.

What causes stinging swollen ankles?

Treatment for swollen ankles depends on the cause of the swelling. For example. if the swelling is caused by injury or overuse, then resting and taking an anti-inflammatory might be in order. On the other hand, if the swelling is due to water retention, drinking plenty of water and elevating your feet may be helpful.

What hormone causes salt retention?

Aldosterone will cause salt-retention and thereby H2O retention because of the osmotic gradient.

Why does morphine cause legs and feet to swell?

Yes, morphine can cause fluid retention resulting in swollen, feet, ankles, legs, etc. - this can also make your joints sore and stiff. It can also cause swelling in your mouth, tongue, lips, etc. - this can make swallowing difficult.

Does aspirin cause water retention?


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