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wild true grapes,not muscadines , have both male and female vines if your vine is several years old and not producing fruit its a male. same with kiwis

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it depends on how old the plant is, but in two years it should be bearing some fruit. it might be that you don't have a pollinater.

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Q: What would cause your possum grapes not to bear fruit?
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Puriri are not high on the list of Possum's preferred food. They will eat the flowers and possibly the fruit but don't tend to eat the leaves. Of more concern is the lack of Kereru which spread the seeds.

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Australian possums, such as the Brush Tail Possum; eat fruit, insects, gum tree sap and nectar. I've got a Brush Tail Possum who regularly visits me and I feed it apples and it likes them. Other people have feed this friendly possum; bread, citrus, grapes and meat pie Personally, even though the possum ate these foods, I wouldn't suggest feeding it to it because it's not a healthy diet for possums and it's not natural. You wouldn't find processed bread in a tree would you?? Or meat pie...Even though the possum is Australian, it doesn't mean it has to eat meat pie...lolz. Hope this helps, have fun feeding the possum. P.S. Don't get too close to the possum when feeding it, because it could possibly bite you and they have a nasty bite. If you do by any chance get biten, see your doctor as soon as possible.

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well, you can but it would make ya poo a lot. Especially grapes!

How many grapes should you eat in a day?

This last previous answer was incorrect. The USDA currently has listed that 1 serving of grapes is 1/2 cup, which they say is about 15 grapes (depending on sizes). Just because the USDA says 1 medium bunch is 50 grapes DOES NOT mean that's a serving size, that was listed as how many grapes you should eat a day as though that was the only fruit you had the whole day. Meaning, the USDA listed that 1 medium bunch (50 grapes) = the reccommended amount to eat for the reccomended amount of servings of fruit to eat daily. Aka: approx 50 grapes = 2-4 servings of fruit Previous answer: I'm surprised how it seems most websites have it wrong. According to the USDA: Grapes - 1 medium bunch (about 50 grapes) Fruit Group: counts as 1 ½ cups fruit That means ~33 grapes = 1 serving of fruit. Of course, 1 serving is proportionally more or less, the smaller or larger the grapes. Source: You should go to that website to check other foods, too. Previous answer: 15 grapes, a bunch that'll easily fit in your hand

Can you feed red grapes to your shih tzu?

No- grapes and raisins can cause major immediate health problems- kidney failure. One or two grapes would not be a problem, but even small quantities of raisins, or a bunch of grapes can be fatal.

Where is Balsamic Vinegar in the Food Pyramid?

Balsamic vinegar, being derived from grapes, so would fall in the fruit group.

How does the fruit diet work ?

Although fruits have a lot of sugar, I would eat bananas, apples, grapes and other types of fruit. They are great as a lunch or snack during the week.

Do stafford bull terriers like fruit?

I have a 3yo male and he LOVES fruit. Jumps to pick the persimmons off the tree. Would live on bananas if I let him. Pretty much any fruit besides grapes.

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