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the Nazis would kill them

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Q: What would happen if Nazis found hidding Jews?
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Would the Jews get killed if they escape the Concentration camps?

If they were found by the Nazis then yes, but if they were not, then they would just get free.

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Nazis had to give information to Jews, otherwise the Jews would not know where to go to.

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he couldent of been caught the nazis knew he had jews they just thought they where slaves

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What happen to the people during the holocaust if they got sick?

The nazis would take them and execute them if they were lucky. If they didn't strike luck they would be left in confinement to die.

Can the Nazis hurt you now that there are Nazis living today?

they can hurt you just as much as anybody else would, but would be charged accordingly. But I suspect if there are any living Nazi's they would be found and prosecuted for their part in murders and criminal activity during WW2.

What would happen if you found a glove in the ground?

you would die and perish

Why do the jews allow themselves to be led into the ghetto the cattle cars and then the concentration camp?

The Jews had two choices. either they do what the nazis told them to do...or they die. the nazis forced them into the cars. if they had fought back, they would get shot. they nazis forced them into th ghettos. if they had fought back, they would get shot and killed. lastly, the nazis forced them into the concentration capms. if they had tried to fight back or escape then they would immediately get shot and killed. basically, the jews did not allow it to happen. it was life or death.

What happens when a German helps a Jew in the Holocaust?

Germans who did so were risking their life, since the Nazis would kill them if they found out.

Where did Nazis held prisoners considered to be enemies?

i am 60% German, so i happen to know a bit about Germans and Nazis. Nazis would hold Jews in death camps, where they would later be killed either by being shot, starvation, or by a deadly gas when taking a "shower" (creepy right?!) that is all i know, i hope that helped a little! ;D ~Annaliese, 11

Were any children born in the Nazi Concentration Camps?

Yes and the fathers would be Nazis'. When the Nazis' were drunk they would have sex with a pretty girl and the girl would become pregnant with a baby. Hitler allowed this to happen at any concentration camp.