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he couldent of been caught the nazis knew he had jews they just thought they where slaves

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would have been shot

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Q: What would happen if Oskar Schindler if he was caught?
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What personal risks did oskar schindler take?

If Oskar Schindler got caught helping the Jews, he would be killed.

How old is Oskar Schindler?

Oskar Schindler was born on April 28, 1908 and died on October 9, 1974. Oskar Schindler would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 107 years old today.

Was oskar schindler a volunteer?

that would have been against his character.

What does it mean to be on Oskar Schindler's list?

To be on Oskar Schindler's list meant a lot of things.You would be cared for.You would survive.You would receive better treatment.Fear of being taken off the list.Although Schindler was first interested in becoming rich, his motives changed as he saw the deep persecution of the Jews.

What was Hitler's view on Jewish people?

He thought they were nothing but ants he could crush. but if it wasn't for people like Oskar Schindler there would be no Jewish and we would be speaking German

How did oskar Schindler choose the ones that would live?

He chose those who would most likely be killed in the Camps, children, elderly, and Families. He also just tried to obtain as many people as he could,

What did Schindler have to do with the Holocaust?

Oskar Schindler was a member of the Nazi party. He was rich and could get a lot of things from people higher ranked than him. At the time, Jews were being sent off to Labour and Concentration camps. Oskar Schindler opened and Enamel factory where able Jews were hired to work. The would earn the things they needed to live while making pots and pans for Nazi soldiers. Working at the factory saved this group of Jews from death or torture.There was a point where these "Schindler Jews" were sent by Schindler to his hometown on separate trains, women on one and men on the other. The train with the men on it got safely to Schindler's hometown. However, a mistake was made and the women ended up at Auschwitz, the most infamous death camp. These woman were nearly killed, but Schindler managed to save them just in time.

How did stern help schindler?

Itzhak Stern made the list of Schindlerjuden. In English, those German words mean "Schindlers Jews"

Did Oskar Schindler pay the Jews?

Yes. He did it at a party to aggravate the Nazis

What did the Jews think of Oskar Schindler?

The ones who he saved admired him beyond compare, he saved them when most others would not. Others since do not have such a possitive opinion, as he fell into the category of one who saved in exchange for money. It would take the publicity surrounding the 1993 film 'Schindler's List' before Yad Vashem would recognise Schindler as a 'Righteos among nations'. His wife however, who arguably did more to save the Jews that he is credited with saving is held in higher esteme.

What would happen if a cut purse was caught?

They would be KILLED

What would happen if you were caught with brass knuckles in the UK?

Why do you want to know what would happen if you are caught with brass knuckles ( suspicious) and why would you want to go or live in the UK? lol