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Q: What would happen if a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon?
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What will happen to the electrons in a neutral object if a negatively charged balloon is brought near the object?

The electrons are repelled by the negatively charged balloon.

What would happen if a negatively charged balloon touched metal?

Opposite charges attract each other. It makes no difference what kind of objects happen to be carrying the charges.

What will happen to the positively charged balloon ad a soft drink can?

The positively charged balloon and a soft drink can will pull negatively charged objects towards them

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They repeal each other because they are each positively charged.

What happen when a negatively charged item gets near a neutral item?

The neutral object will probably get an induced polarity.

What will happen if a light neutral conductor is brought near a negatively charged object?

They will explode

Can a charged atom attract a neutral atom?

Yes, by example:iodide ion and iodine molecule to form a complex ion:I- + I2 --> I3-

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Ugly lady is sleeping

If you let the air out of a balloon what will happen to the balloon?

it will deflate :(

What has to happen for a balloon to inflate?

The pressure inside the balloon has to exceed the pressure outside the balloon.

When did Balloon Brothers happen?

Balloon Brothers happened in 1992.