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Q: What would happen if a person looked like a gorgon?
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What is a Gordon in greek mythology?

I think perhaps you are thinking of a Gorgon, such as Medusa who had snakes instead of hair and who's appearance was so horrific that a person who looked at her would be turned to stone.

What is Perseus and the gorgon's head?

Perseus was a warrior who was sent to kill a gorgon by the name of Medusa. The gorgon's expression was so scary it would turn anyone who looked at it to stone. Perseus beheaded the monster by looking at it through a mirror rather than right at it.

How would you describe the Gorgon Medusa?

Medusa was a female monster, a Gorgon, who's hair was composed of snakes. If you looked into her face (which was supposed to be frightening and terrible to behold), you would turn into stone. Medusa used to be very beautiful until Athena caught her and Poseidon together in her temple.

What would happen to you if you just left your life and started walking and never looked back?

You would either succeed or fail if you just left your life and started walking, and never looked back. It would depend on the type of person you are as to the outcome of your adventure.

What would happen if an ugly goblin looked in the mirror?

the mirror would be broken!!!

How the evil Gorgon's head beneficial to Perseus?

The gorgon's head turned others who would fight against him to stone.

What would happen if you looked at a solar eclipse?

You would see the Sun being occulted by the Moon.

What would happen if you looked at a lunar eclipse without googles?

Nothing at all

What would happen if you looked at Medusas hair?

When you looked at Medusa, you were turned into stone. The hero Perseus beheaded her, using a mirror shield.

What adventure did polydectes suggest that perseus under take?

Polydectes suggested that Perseus undertake the quest to bring him the head of the Gorgon Medusa. This was a dangerous task as whoever looked directly at Medusa would turn to stone.

What happened if a person looked at the Medusa?

You will turn into stone.

What would happen to a person on Saturn?

They would die