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Q: What would happen if a rabbit was instinct?
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Would a boxer dog kill a pet rabbit?

Quite possibly if they did not grow up together from babies. A dog would likely see a rabbit as prey. It is a natural instinct.

What does it take for the female rabbit to accept the male rabbit?

The female will entirely never accept the male rabbit it is their instinct to run from them even if they were related the female will want to part only because of instinct.

Can daddy rabbit mate with daughter rabbit after grown?

Yes it can. The "daddy" rabbit and the daughter rabbit have no recognition that they shouldn't do that. It is on instinct. Hope that helped :D

When did Power Instinct happen?

Power Instinct happened in 1993.

When did Killer Instinct happen?

Killer Instinct happened in 1994.

When a rabbit runs away from a wolf is it learned behavior or instinct Justify your answer?

It's an instinct because a small prey animal, such as a rabbit, runs from a predator, it's just something they know how to do. For example, when someone punches you, it's your instinct to whack them right back.

What will happen if a rabbit disappears?

Anything could happen when a rabbit disappears.

What would happen to a rabbit population over a ten year period?

it will increase

What instincts help the rabbit survive?

They stay still when in danger!

Why did your ferret bite your rabbit?

Ferrets are predatory carnivores. In the wild, polecats (from which ferrets were domesticated from) would hunt and kill rabbits, and this instinct is not something that can be bred out of the species.

What can happen if I touch my rabbit's urine?

Nothing will happen if you touch your rabbit's urine, unless you have a skin reaction to rabbit urine, which is highly unlikely.

What will happen if a dog bark at a rabbit?

then the rabbit will run away