

What would happen if a rocket ship fell apart in space?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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the asrtonaught would die

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Q: What would happen if a rocket ship fell apart in space?
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by a rocket ship

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a rocket may carry space equipment

What would happen if you were to go to space?

First if you didn't have oxygen when you went into space then you would die. Secondly if you went into space without the correct uniform and then you stepped out of the rocket, when in space, then you would just float because there is no gravity in space, bu if you had the correct equipment all a good supply of oxygen then you would be fine.

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The space shuttle would get ripped apart and would be destroyed because of the strong gravity difference (the nose would get pulled on by gravity harder than on the tail).

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No. Even your rocket would be crushed and torn apart by gravitational tides.

What would happen if the thrust of the rocket at take off was not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the earth?

It would crash like NASA's Titan rocket did.

How long would it take to get to space?

Iwouldtake a rocket 8 to 9 minutes to go to space.

How long would take to get to space?

Iwouldtake a rocket 8 to 9 minutes to go to space.

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A space shuttle, (rocket ship)

What would happen if the thrust of the rocket at take-off was not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the earth?

it would not take off