

What would happen if asteroid hits a tornado?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Im pretty sure that a tornado isnt strong enough to stop and ansteriod.....

So the asteroid would just go through the tornado

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Q: What would happen if asteroid hits a tornado?
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There is no such thing as a negative F5 tornado. In an F5 tornado, depending on what part of the tornado hits you and what point its at in its life cycle the building you are in would likely be severely damaged or destroyed. A house may be completely blown away. However, as statistics have shown the odds are in your favor of surviving, especially if you have taken adequate cover. That said, if the worst part of the tornado strikes where you are, not even being in the basement will guarantee your survival.

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What would happen if a tornado hits the United States?

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What ways could the world end?

possibly if a asteroid hits the earth then we will all die but don't worry it will never happen in real life. :)


Technically, if it hits the Earth it's not an "asteroid", it's a "meteorite". And yes, meteorites hit the Earth all the time.

Which is longer a meteoriod or an asteroid?

Asteroid can last up to 100 years before it hits earth.

What happens if a space shuttle hits an asteroid?

If a space shuttle were to collide with an asteroid, it would likely experience significant damage or destruction. The force and speed of the impact would depend on the size and composition of the asteroid. The outcome could range from damaging the outer layers of the shuttle to completely shattering it, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the crew aboard.

What if a tornado hits a ship?

The safest place on a ship during a tornado (or waterspout as they are called on a body of water) would be an interior room in the ship away from windows.

What consequences can result from an asteroid impact?

Many things can happen if an asteroid hit the earth. Here is a list of a few consequences. There could be an explosion when the asteroid hits the earth. There could also be a tsunami if the asteroid landed in the water. Another possible consequence is a global firestorm. Another possible problem is Acid Rain. The last and final problem from this small list is temperature effects.

If the Earth was struck by a asteroid the most devastating consequences would be?

(considering it was a huge asteroid) The world would be blackened out in some areas from the dust, there would be huge tsunamis ( if it hits the ocean)and earthquakes, and many volcanoes may erupt. plus millions of people would die.

What happens before the tornado hits the ground?

The tornado is a twister before it hits the ground, it just spins in the sky, kind of