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If decomposers were not t the end of all food chains then the food chains would not be able to work. This is because the nutrients would not be returned to the producers.

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Q: What would happen if decomposers were not at the end of all food chains?
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None. Decomposers are often not included in food chains, but examples of them would be fungi and bacteria.

Why would knowing about food chains be important?

This is whyIt helps keep producers, consumers, and decomposers not extinct.

What is an overlapping network of food chains formed by producers consumers and decomposers?

Food web

What would happen if decomposer were too many?

If there were too many decomposers in the world, the decomposers would begin to die. Too many or too few decomposers would harm the food chain.

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Does a food web show how animals are connected in their search for food?

A food web links together multiple food chains. food webs link together: different food chains that exist in a community various types of communities and producers, consumers, and decomposers

What if there are too many decomposers?

The decomposers would run out of food (for them) to decompose.

What would happen to food chains if a toxic was released into the local water supply and the mice in the meadow died?

the food chain would die/end

What can a food web be broken down into?

From what I learned in my science class we would always Put the decomposers at the very bottom but I don't know if that is correct.since a food web is many overlapping food chains that show how energy flows through an ecosystem I think that the producers should be at the very bottom. Sorry