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Q: What would happen if joints in the ribs were completely immovable?
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Why is it important to have immovable joints in your skull?

Immovable joints in the skull would affect the brain. If the brain moved around due to these immovable parts, then people would have brain damage.

How would you compare immovable joints with movable joints?

Movable joints can be moved, immovable joints can not.

What type of joint is a suture?

A fibrous joint is an immovable joint. An example would be the bones in the skull.

What would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object?

nothing would happen...

What would happen if an irresistible force came into contact with an immovable object?


What would happen if an immovable object got hit by an unstoppable force?

If the unstoppable object was smaller, then it would pierce a hole through the immovable object, not moving the object, and not stopping.

What will happen if the body does not have joints have joints?

you would not be able to move fluently much less stand. It would be like a human ironing board. All movement requires the existence of joints. The legs require the existence of the "Greater Trochanter" which is the hip socket joint, in order for the lower extemities to move back and forward.

Where would you find slightly immovable joints in the body?

The intercarpals (in between the finger bones and wrist) and the intertarsals (just below the ankle)

What would happen if there were no freely movable joints in the body?

If there were no freely movable joints in the body, then our bones cannot bend and stretch and we would have become like a statue.

What is the immovable joint found between skull bones?

The "sutures" are fibrous (immovable) joints between the plates of the skull, which must expand apart with age.

How are the skull and pelvis simlar?

If you are a politician, that would probably be "proximity" but, the answer that you are probably looking for is "immovable joints". The skull is composed of around 22 bones but the only movable joints in an adult are the mandibular joints and the joint at the uppermost cervical vertebra, the "atlas". The pelvis of an adult human is, likewise, composed of the ilium, ischium, pubis and the os coxae. Those bones are all held together by immovable joints, too.

What joint does not bend?

Suture joints are practically immovable joints. You can find them in case of skull. They are there in case of skull, probably to allow the growth of individual bone, in order to increase the size of skull. With out joints, it would be very difficult to increase the size of the skull.