

What would happen if the Sun came closer to Earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It would get to hot. We would die.

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Q: What would happen if the Sun came closer to Earth?
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What would happen if the sun came closer to earth and what would happen to the plants?

If the earth got pulled in closer to the sun, or if the sun expands significantly, then the earth will get much warmer. That said, nothing like that is going to happen for a couple billion years yet.

What would happen if the sun came closer ot earth?

it will boil the ocean and melt the trees and grass

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if the earth came closer to earth all the waters would boil up and kill everyone, if the earth was further away, the water would freeze and all life would die

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The earth would be attracted by the sun, and as it came closer the sun, the earth would melt. The earth would probably collide with the sun before or after it would melt.

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The Earth would be completely destroyed. However, everything and everyone would burn up before the Earth ever contacted the sun. Also, the sun would not "come hurling against the Earth" for any reason. The the Earth could possibly be pulled closer into orbit with the sun, at which point many animals and plant species would immediately go extinct, depending on how much closer Earth got to the sun (AUs)

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If the earth did not revolve around the sun, there would not be any seasons. The problem is that if the earth did not revolve around the sun, that is, if it came to a stop in its orbit, the sun's gravity (with just the tiniest help from the earth's) would pull the earth into the sun.

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Probably nothing untoward. It certainly would be a spectacle to watch. How they came to form may not be such an pleasant sight, as something catastrophic would have to occur for them to form.

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R serious the world will never run out of minerals but if it did that would mean monsters came and zapped earth into plastic