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Q: What would happen if the clownfish and anemone did not have each other?
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What kind of relationship does a sea anemone and a clownfish have?

The relationship of the clown fish and sea anemone is symbiotic in that the clownfish, having a coating of mucous that makes it immune to the anemone's deadly sting, can swim in safety in the anemone's tentacles, meanwhile attracting other fish as food for the anemone.

What is an example of mutualism in the biome estuary?

An example of mutualism in the estuary biome would be the clownfish and the sea anemone. They benefit from each other, and the activity of the clownfish results in greater water circulation around the sea anemone.

Why do other fish get stung by anemones not clownfish?

because they have a special kind of goo on their skin that keeps them from feeling the sting. Or a better answer would be. The clown fish will swim around the anemone picking up some of its cells. After a few passes, the clown fish will have enough cells to trick the anemone into thinking that the fish is an anemone itself.

What is an example of commensalism in Finding nemo?

A mutualistic symbiotic relationship is in the movie. This would be displayed between the clownfish and the sea anemone.

What protects clownfish from enemies?

I don't know why, but clown fish are resistant to the harmful effects of touching the tentacles of a sea anemone. Because of this, they often stay in them, which makes them very hard targets for predators, which would get hurt by touching a sea anemone.

How are the three types of symbiotic relationships different and similar?

The 3 types of symbiotic relationships are mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. What makes these three relationships similar is that they involve the close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. Mutualism is a relationship in which both individuals benefit, i.e. the clownfish and sea anemone. The protects the anemone from its predators, and the anemone provides the clownfish with a safe place to stay using its stinging tentacles against the clownfish's enemies. Commensalism is when only one individual benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed. An example would be spiders building their webs on plants. Parasitism is when one member benefits and the other is harmed in the process. For example, when a tick is feeding off of the blood of its host.

What is an example of mutulism in the ocean?

One of the most well known oceanic symbiotic relationships is between the clownfish and the sea anemone. These two organisms support each other: the clownfish is a poor swimmer that would be easy prey it were not protected by the anemone's stingers (which the clownfish is immune to). In turn, the clownfish protects the anemone from its predators, such as the butterfly fish. Another example that is not as well known is the goby fish and the shrimp. The shrimp digs a burrow, and allows the goby fish to live there. The shrimp is virtually blind, making it very vulnerable when it leaves the burrow for food. Whenever a threat approaches, the goby fish touches the shrimp with its tail as a warning. When this happens, both the goby fish and the shrimp retreat to the burrow. hope this helps!

Can a sea anemone kill a jellyfish?

No. A sea anemone and a jellyfish would not meet. If they did meet, the jellyfish would sting the sea anemone and kill it.

What is a lifespan of a clownfish?

Well overall clownfish live to about 45-50 years in their habitat. Teenage clownfish will live to 45-50 years. On the other hand clownfish will only like 4-8 years once they are in a aquarium. I would Suggest not keeping any clownfish in a fish tank anywhere. Only because you give them a shorter life, and we would not like it if we were kept in a cage. REMEMBER, once a clownfish always a clownfish. Here is a clownfish joke for you: What did one shark say to the other while eating a clownfish? Answer: This tastes funny! hahaha By Grace

How many clown fish travel in groups?

It all depends upon the size of your tank. Clown (Anemone) fish are usually found in small groups where there is one breeding pair and a few juveniles living in a symbiotic relationship with a Sea Anemone. To do this properly, your tank would need to be at least 60 gallons US.

If a person is stung by a sea anemone is it dangerous?

If you got stung by a sea anemone, normally, blisters would appear where the sea anemone had contact on your skin.

How clams avoid animals?

They close up in their very hard shells and spring into a small hole or area where their predator can't reach them. They close up in their very hard shells and spring into a small hole or area where their predator can't reach them.