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There are a few types of muscles. The most "important" (term used very loosely here) are the smooth muscles, they control all bodily functions that are automatic (heartbeat, digestion, ext.) if you were missing any smooth muscle, you could not survive longer than 3 weeks (for digestion) 3 minutes (heartbeat).

The second type, which I am guessing you mean in the question, is skeletal muscles. If you did not have those muscles, life would be possible, but you would be like a sea sponge, food HAS to come to you, reproduction would not be possible in the manner that we are used to (it would need to be either asexual, or like plants).

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12y ago

Without muscle cells we would just lie in a heap on the floor a lot, unable to move.

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you would die

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Q: What would happen if the smooth muscles in a persons body could not contract?
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Can you contract your smooth and cardiac muscles on purpose?

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Is smooth muscles alternately contract and relax endlessly throughout a persons life?

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Can smooth muscles maintain a steady state of contraction?

Yes. Smooth muscle can contract cell by cell. This causes muscles to be contracted for very long periods of time.

What do a blood vessels bladder and an airway have in common?

They are all smooth muscles that contract involuntarily.

What are considered smooth muscles in the body?

Smooth muscles are found in hollow parts of the body. For example they are found in the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and the bladder. They can contract in all directions.

Are your leg muscles smooth muscles?

No, the muscles in your leg are skeletal muscles. Smooth muscle is found for example in vessels and the gastrointistinal tract. Yes smooth muscles are involuntary, which means they contract and relax without our conscious decision for them to do so, however we have control over when we want to move our leg muscles, so it cannot be smooth muscle, they are as said before my answer, quite rightly, skeletal muscles

What are contract muscles?

Smooth Muscle contractions are regulated by calcium ions. The smooth muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that its contracts from all sides.