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If it is not removed immediately, a person will die.

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Q: What would happen if the trachea was damaged?
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Your brain would get damaged and you would die.

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The nucleus would be damaged.

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food and liquid may enter the trachea during the act of swallowing.

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Death would occur.

What will happen if an object obstructs the trachea opening?

the air cannot pass through trachea

What would happen to the body if the membranes got damaged in the human body?

It depends oh how many membranes were damaged and what kinds of cells were damaged.

What will happen if the trachea is made up of hard bones?

Food would get stuck in your throat when you tried to swallow.

What might happen to the cilia f the trachea were damaged?

For a human who has smoked and destroyed the cilia by coating the inner wall of the trachea with tar, the mucus that is secreted will have no mechanism to bring it up the trachea to be swallowed except for the 'smoker's hack', a chronic cough that brings up the phlegm from the lungs. Those cilia do not regenerate so, the person will have the 'smoker's hack' for the rest of his life.

What would happen if the membranes of a nucleus became permeable to most substances?

The nucleus would be damaged.