

What would happen if the world had no microwaves?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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you wouldn`t be able to cook fast.You couldn`t make stuff like easymac

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Q: What would happen if the world had no microwaves?
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What would happen if there weren't microwaves?

the oven will be used the most it wouldt really change the world cos we haveent had a microwave for 1 year and wer fine

What happens if world didn't have microwaves?

They would use stove.

This isn't one of those microwaves that catch on fire is it?

GE is a world leading brand and would recall any microwaves that were prone to catch on fire, there are no known issues with this model that would lead one to believe it would unexpectedly catch on fire.

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Microwaves align polar molecules such as water with the microwaves. This rotation generates energy, which dissipates as heat. So you would be cooked as if you were in a microwave oven.

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The radiologist

If you turned on an empty microwave oven what would happen?

The light inside would turn on, the turntable would spin, the timer would count down, and this would all continue until the timer reached zero, at which time everything would shut off. Most manuals advise against doing this, because if there's nothing in the oven to absorb the microwaves they can reflect back and damage the klystron (the part that actually generates the microwaves).

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The world would be very lonely if there was no love. There would be no children and the world would be down.