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There would be a lot of blind people no longer able to live independently. They would have to rely on other people.

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Q: What would happen if there were no more guide dogs?
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Related questions

How many dogs were made into guide dogs?

There is no exact answer because every year more guide dogs have been trained which makes the number endless.

How are dogs helpful?

they save you for avalanches and guide you if your blind and more

What jobs do animals do?

animals can do lots of jobs. dogs are used as guide dogs and drug sniffers, some are used for magic shows and circuses and there are lots more. there are probably lots more than that but it would take forever to list them all. so that's all the jobs i can think of.

Do dogs have more hair than cats?

i would guess that the dogs larger then cats would have.

How to get male dogs to produce more female sperm?

You need the right mood for it to happen.

What would happen to the world if dogs had opposable thumbs?

I would imagine that your pet Fido would be able to perform many more tricks! ;-) Different breeds of dogs are more intelligent than others; therefore, it is possible that more clever breeds would be able to do some quite amazing things. It's fun to imagine my Labrador opening doors! But it's a little creepy, too!

Can a Pomeranian be a Guide Dog?

It is a physical impossibility for a pomeranian to be a guide dog. Guide dogs wear a special harness in order to assist their vision impaired handler. A pomeranian can NOT wear a harness like that, it weighs more than they do.

When were Guide Dogs SA NT founded?

their website says they've been around more than 60 years

How many guide dogs has a blind person had before?

Depends on the person. We know some who are on their 5th guide dog. My wife is only on her 2nd. Others have had as many as 8. The younger a person is when they start using a guide, the more they will have during their lifetime.

Which animal do more people love horses cats and dogs or reptiles?

I would say dogs

What would happen to a Ostrich if a Gazelle went extinct?

in the short term, absolutely nothing. however, no ostriches means less wild dogs and cats, which means more gazelle.

What would happen if avogadros law was not obeyed?

"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria." Actually, Avogadro's Law isn't obeyed exactly by real gases, so what would happen is what does happen. If it wasn't obeyed even approximately, then the ideal gas law would no longer be a good predictor of real gas behavior, and chemistry class would get a lot more complicated.