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The effects would be that we would see an increase of prey animals, bears help the ecosystem in many ways, eating rodents, termites, and other harmful creatures. But happily, the black bear is in no danger, with a total population of 900,00 bears.

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14y ago

Many things can happen. Over-population can result in starvation because of the competition for food. They also move into human populated areas looking for food.

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12y ago

we would kill them rather they would eat us .

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Q: What would happen if black bears were over populated?
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Both species of bear would eventually die out as they are not adapted to living in those environments. The polar bears would over heat and die from dehydration and species such as the black and grizzly bear would eventually freeze to death.

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Dholes actually are said to avoid bears, like sloth bears, sun bears, and asiatic black bears because of their aggressive behavior. The red dog would run away before it got a chance to do anything to the asiatic black bear. Asiatic black bears are about 3 times the size of them, and asiatic black bears can even fight with adult male tigers.

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Do bears eat alligators?

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