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Q: What would happen if you did not have any water in your body?
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a flood may happen at any time near a body of water, mostly around the rainy seasons, when the river or lake or any body of water overflows.

When does a flood occur?

a flood may happen at any time near a body of water, mostly around the rainy seasons, when the river or lake or any body of water overflows.

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no. you would have to intake water to increase the water level in your body.

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when a body is put in a sealed bag then it would remain as such .......... nothing would happen to that as there is no air and moisture so that any microbial growth can occur...........

What would happen if there were no water on earth?

we would not die because their would never be any wind or water in the beginning so we would not need it!

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without glycerol in your body you would not have any energy in your body therefore no be able to move. source: I'm a doctor

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It would not be able to transport water and would die

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you wouldn't be losing any fat.

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You have a stroke and die!!!!

What would happen to the animals if humans drink ocean water?

They would probably not have any water left which means there would be no hurricanes or tsunamis but the only water we would get if we ran out would be rain and/ or snow

Will you drown in the Hudson River?

Yes - just as you would in any body of water.

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