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Q: What would happen if you didnt have any veins?
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What would happen if you didnt have any sleep?

You would die

What would happen if the veins were suddenly blocked?

You have a stroke and die!!!!

What would happen if we didnt have volcanoes?

If we didn't have volcanoes we wouldn't have any new landforms or islands.

What would happen if you injected grape soda into your blood veins?

Injecting any amount of any type of gas into your blood stream could be fatal.

What do you think would happen if vet and vet techs didnt have any measuring instruments?

a lot more animals would die at the vets office

What would happen if we didnt have cells?

Someone without any cells wouldn't be able to live because everything in you is made up of cells.

What would happen if porcupines didnt have quills?

The quills area porcupine's best defense. If a porcupine did not have any quills, it may not be able to defend itself.

What do you think would happen if a plant had no stomata?

If a plant did not have stomata on the bottom of its leaves, water and oxygen leaving the plant would not be regulated.

Can veins die?

It would be unusual for veins to die any earlier than the organism in which they exist, although veins certainly are susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Intravenous drug users often cause their veins to collapse. In the elderly, veins can become excessively enlarged, a condition called varicose veins.

What would happen if you didnt have any stars?

There would be no life.

Is there any veins in your cartilage?

Yes there are veins in the cartilage.

Did Mother Teresa have any pets?

No she didnt have any pets she didnt have any time for looking after one