

What would happen if you do not conserve energy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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9y ago

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When you waste energy,during night time, no one would se anything

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Q: What would happen if you do not conserve energy?
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What will happen if you dont conserve energy?


What happens if we don't conservate?

What will happen if we don't conserve you ask? well if we dont conserve then we wont have Energy, Water,Wildlife and more!

How does hydro energy conserve energy?

It doesn't conserve energy. It is a form of energy itself. It can conserve fossil fueled energy, however, which is good.

Ways to conserve energy?

Ways to conserve energy would be turning out lights. Unplugging things not in use. Keeping your appliances in good health so they do not waste energy and recycling.

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Prokaryotes conserve energy and resources by regulating their activities

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You can conserve energy with aluminium cans by recycling them.

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How saving water conserve energy?

they conserve energy because it uses energy to make water flow into your taps.

How does planting a tree for every tree cut down conserve energy?

It does not conserve energy, it renews the source of energy

You can conserve energy by aluminum cans?

You can conserve energy by building a solar energy unit using aluminum cans.

How do Dromedaries and Bactrians conserve energy while moving?

They conserve energy by storing fat in their humps.

Why would you not conserve?

Why would you not conserve, only retards wouldn't conserve. it save the world for you children, grandchildren and etc. If you don't save the planet then everyone will die out and we wont exist. Some people are retards. Like the people that don't conserve energy. Screw you guys