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Q: What would happen if you gave a frog a black widow for lunch?
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What is the species of a black widow?

A black widow is a spider I would look up pics too

Who would win in a fight a daddy long leg or a black widow?

Captain America! Black Widow might be agile and quick, but Captain America is super strong and has that unbreakable shield.

What happens if your cat got bit by a black widow?

You would die!! Jk you would half to go to the doctors as soon as possible. But if it was a female black widow it would bite if it was a male black widow it possible wouldn't bite you. My name is Josh North and i am in with grade.

What is the most dangerous the female or the male black widow?

I would say the female because it has more venom than a male black widow

What spider is Black looks like black widow with white shape on underside?

It's my understanding that the color of the markings on a black widow are by and large red, but can appear in yellow, orange, and white. I would regard that spider as a black widow for safety's sake.

Would a black widow bite humans for defence?


Do black widow spiders go through incomplete or complete metamorphosis?

If you would compare their life cycle with insects they would have an incomplete metamorphosis.

What kind of spider has is black with 3 red spots on its back?

that would be a black widow. very dangerous. stay away from them. not a very nice spider to get bitten by! haha It isn't a black widow. Black widows have a red hourglass shape on their belly.

Can a black widow eat a tarantula?

yes, depending on the sizes. ANSWER cannot eat it, its poison would most certainly be enough to kill the tarantula but a black widow would be eaten the instant the tarantula senses it.

What is better scorpion or black widow?

i would say a scorpion because they are bigger

How does a black widow spider look when it is a baby?

The most dramatic difference between the adults and the young of the Black Widow, aside from the difference in size, is the very light to white coloration on the youngsters. Unless you knew what you were looking at already, it would be next to impossible to identify a very young Black Widow.

How long would it take to kill someone after a bite from a black widow spider?