

What would happen if you got shot in a concentration camp?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Most likely, you would die.

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Q: What would happen if you got shot in a concentration camp?
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What happened to the Nazis in World War 2 who didn't obey?

Well, one of two things would happen. Either they would be put into a Concentration Camp or they be shot on the shot. Either way you were screwed if you wanted to disobey them. Obviously you can tell they didn't care about anyone.

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The Jews had two choices. either they do what the nazis told them to do...or they die. the nazis forced them into the cars. if they had fought back, they would get shot. they nazis forced them into th ghettos. if they had fought back, they would get shot and killed. lastly, the nazis forced them into the concentration capms. if they had tried to fight back or escape then they would immediately get shot and killed. basically, the jews did not allow it to happen. it was life or death.

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If the Jews didn't wear the symbol a neighbor would report them and they would be shot or sent to concentration camps.

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Emmanuel Alper was never sent to a concentration camp. He, his mother, and his sister were put in the ghetto in his home town. Later on, they were put in a line with thousands of other Jews and shot and murdered by the Germans in 1942.

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She didn't like it. She prefered to be safe in America. Her biggest fear was that if they went into hiding, they would be found and either shot or detained in a concentration camp (which, it is ironic. Every one in the Annexe was found and put into concentration camps.)

What did the Germans do when they found out you were Jewish?

I assume you mean during the Holocaust. They made you wear a Star of David, they sent you to the ghetto or a concentration camp, or they shot you.

Did Eva galler go to a concentration camp?

No she escaped from her death train before it arrived but her brother and sister were shot to death trying to escape with her.

What were concentration camps and what happend ther?

There were Klooga,Vaivara,Treblinka,Sobibor,Chelmno,Belzec,Majdanek,Auschwitz,Plaszow,Neuengamme,Stutthof,Bergen-Belsen,Ravensbruck,Gross Rosen, Sachsenhausen,Mittelbau Dora,Flossenberg,Dachau,Buchenwald,Natzweiler,Mauthausen,Gospic,Jasenovac,and Sajmiste. I'm sure there are probably more but these were the known camps and were the worst there probably could be.

What is one of the many Inhumane things that Nazis did to the Jews in the concentration camp?

They would shoot them in the nose for no reason and claim them to be "unworthy of work" and kill them. They would also force them to hold up big boulders for a certain amount of time, if they dropped them, they were shot.

What were two other deaths besides gas and being shot did they do at the concentration camp?

starvation && beatings.? I'm pretty sure. and hanging and disease and leathal injection.

What happend to the people in concentration camp?

Jewish people , Even some disabled people would be taken to these concentration camps. They would be forced to work until death. They would work you to death , sadly they would shoot you , or if you tried to run , escape you would deffently get shot . These camps are famous for gas chambers Jewish people would get gased. With siclone b deadly gas. from maria

What were some of the consequences in the concentration camps?

That if you stepped out of place you would be shot immediately