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The same thing that happens when you're on eartlh and you see a solar eclipse. The sun disappears for a few minutes or seconds and comes back. On earth, it would be called a lunar eclipse, where the earth comes between the sun and the moon. On the moon, it would look like a solar eclipse.

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Q: What would happen if you lived on the moon and there was an eclipse?
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Would a solar eclipse happens at full moon or new moon?

solar eclipse happen at full moon or new moon

Would a lunar eclipse happen on a full moon or a new moon?

A full moon

What moon phase would an eclipse of the moon occur?

A lunar eclipse is caused when the shadow of the Earth hits the Moon. This can only happen when the Moon is entirely full.

How is the moon when there is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse can happen only when the Moon is full.

What would happen if you looked at a solar eclipse?

You would see the Sun being occulted by the Moon.

What type of moon occur in a lunar eclipse?

The lunar eclipse can only happen when the moon is full.

Do solar eclispes happen when the earths shadow hits the moon?

No, that would be a lunar eclipse.

Where does the moon have to be for a solar eclipse to happen?

the moon has to be in front of the earth

Why does a lunar eclipse only happens during the new moon phase?

A "lunar" eclipse can not happen during the new moon phase it can only happen when the moon is full.

Is a lunar eclipse concidered a moon phase?

no. the moon is going through one of its phases, but a lunar eclipse will not always happen during this as a lunar eclipse can happen in any phase.

Does a total eclipse occur during a new moon?

A solar eclipse can only happen at the time of New Moon.A lunar eclipse can only happen at the time of Full Moon.