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It would expand as the gases inside expand against the pressure of the skin of the balloon and the atmospheric pressure.

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4w ago

The balloon would heat up and expand as the air inside it warms up. If the temperature exceeds the balloon's capacity, it could burst.

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Q: What would happen if you put a balloon in the sun?
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What would happen if you put a blown up balloon outside in the sun What would happen if you put it in a refrigerator?

When in the sun the balloon gets slightly bigger, when in the refrigerator the balloon shrinks.

What would happen to a balloon if you filled it with cooler air and then placed it in the hot sun for an hour?

The cooler air inside the balloon would increase in temperature, causing it to expand and potentially burst the balloon. This is because gases expand when heated.

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it melts

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It will inflate a bit more.

What would you expect a balloon filled with air if it was put into a refrigerator?

The balloon would likely shrink and decrease in size as the air inside cools down and contracts. However, once removed from the refrigerator and placed at room temperature, the air inside would expand and the balloon would return to its original size.

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helium balloon left in sun will expand. sun makes balloon hotter and density will rise balloon

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It would melt.

In which one way the balloon changes when it is left in a sunny place?

we all know that the kinetic energy of the molecules in a gas is very large so ,when the balloon is kept in the sun the air inside it gets heated and the molecules move further apart resulting in the bursting of the balloon.Sometimes it melts depending on the heat of the sun however if the sun is very hot, the balloon may pop.Balloons are usually made from latex which if it was to be left simply laying out in the sun would would possibly get so hot that it would start to melt. However if you were to inflate it before doing so the air inside would expand enlarging the balloon until it bursts assuming the balloon was well inflated in the first place.Iy will expand if the air is heated.

What will happen if you put a glass bottle containing teaspoonful of water in it in the sun with its lid closed?

Not much will happen if you put a glass bottle containing teaspoonful of water in it in the sun with its lid closed. It might evaporate.

What happends if you leave a balloon in the sun?

When you leave a balloon in the sun, it pops. this is caused by the particles inside the balloon absorbing energy from the sun, speeding up, and spreading farther apart. When the particles move farther apart, the volume increases and causes the balloon to pop.

How does ripe fruit blow up a balloon?

Ripe fruits produce ethylene gas, which helps them ripen and soften. When this gas is captured in a sealed environment such as a balloon, it can inflate the balloon by increasing the pressure inside. Thus, a ripe fruit can indirectly help blow up a balloon by releasing ethylene gas.