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Q: What would happened if you stirred water and sand faster and faster?
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What will happen to a drop of food coloring when added to a cup of heated water?

The food coloring will spread throughout the water and become homogeneous faster than it would in cold or warm water. The food coloring would also mix evenly with the water faster if you stirred the water after adding the food coloring. This happens because the molecules are moving faster when they are heated up stirred.

What would happen if you stirred water and sand?

If you stirred water and sand together, you would have a mixture of water and sand until the sand sinks to the bottom.

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Crushing the crystal

If water was boiled an a saucepan would water be evaportated faster or slower than water that is not heated?

it would be faster

Does salt water or fresh water melt faster?

Most probably , it would be fresh water. This is because since there is no salt which would keep the cold , the fresh water would melt faster.

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The water would turn sweet because the sugar was already sweet, so when you mix it in water, the same thing happens. The water is sweet.

Why must the salt stirred into the ice water?

Probably to cause the water it to be saturated without using as much salt as it would take to make room temperature water saturated.

Why ponds become stagnant in the summer?

There are a number of reasons why pond water would become stagnant in the summer. Pond water may not be stirred often enough.

Why would the temperature of a not stirred warm water change when an ice cube is put in it?

There are water currents especially with temperature changes cooler water sinks forcing the warmer water to flow to the top.

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What freezes faster in less than an hour salt or tap water?

Tap water would freeze faster but salt water would allow the waters freezing point to be lowered.

Would an aluminum can dissolve faster in fresh water or salt water?

Salt water