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Q: What would happen if you were given pure water in iv?
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What would happen if your blood was pure water and why?

it would shrivel up

What would happen if you put pure water in the sun?

it melts

Why is it important for an IV solution to have salts in it and what would happen if you were given pure water in an IV?

The solution must have the same percentage of water as healthy cells have, or the cells will take in too much water and be damaged/killed.

What would happen to plants if you put into pure water?

it will swell, but won't lyse.

What would happen if there was no pure water?

If there is no pure water, we would be diseased, unhealthy, and bugs would literally crawl out of our skin. Miliions of people would die and the whole world would be in terrible danger.

What process would happen if you put a grape into a dish of pure water?

It will absorb water and swell up.

When you place a grape in pure water what will happen?

skin of grape would break or rupture.

What would happen if a normal cell were placed in a beaker of pure water?

it would absorb more and more water until it will explode

What would happen if a cell containing many solutes was placed in a pure water?

We wouled all die

What would happen if you placed a blood cell in pure water?

Yeah I think so

What would happen if a cell containing many disolved solutes was placed in pure water?

We wouled all die

If a animal cell is put into a pure water what will happen?
