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Q: What would happen to a person who's diaphragm could not contract?
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What happened to a person whose diaphragm could not contract?

You wouldn't be able to breathe or inhale

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What could happen is that the person won't be able to think straight, maybe even die.

When you breathe in your stomach hurts?

If you have a cramping feeling in your torso (possibly near the stomach), it could mean that you have sore muscles in that are and that when the diaphragm lifts to let air flow through your lungs, the sore muscles contract, which causes the pain -- unless it really is hurting directly in your stomach.

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Yes. A 50 year-old can contract mononucleosis.

What happen if you have not neurons?

You die if you don't have neurons, which are nerve cells. Neurons from the brain stem automatically tell your chest and/or diaphragm to move to bring in air/oxygen, that is, to breathe, which is necessary to sustain the body. You also could not think, because the brain is composed of neurons. Nor could you move, because neurons tell muscles to contract. Nor could you eat, because neurons cause peristalsis in the gut to move food through it.

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It would depend on the breach and how the person wronged could be made whole.

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It would depend on the terms of the contract and the laws in place at the time. The employer could potentially release the woman from the contract, allow her to continue working, or terminate the contract. Additionally, there may be legal implications and protections in place for pregnant women that could affect the situation.