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it may not be able to produce food and die.

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The plant cell would be unable to produce glucose which is necessary to life so the cell would die.

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They will die if they will die we will also die.

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Q: What would happen to a plant cell if the chloroplasts stopped functioning?
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What would happen to a plant if its chloroplasts stopped working?

Chloroplasts are doing photosynthesis. They will die if chloroplasts are not working.

Does photosynthesis happen in all plant cells?

No, Photosynthesis happen only in those plant cells having chloroplasts.

What would happen to a plant cell with no chloroplasts?

There will be no photosynthesis.Plant will be dead.

Where does a plants photosynthesis happen?

it happens in the chloroplasts of the plant cells

What will happen if all the chloroplasts in the cells of a plant are destroyed by a type of bacteria?

If chloroplasts in a plant got destroyed the plant will eventually die because the chloroplasts are what makes the chlorophyll in a plant which is needed for photosynthesis and without the plants oxygen we will die.

How might a plant cell be affected if they lack chloroplasts?

Food production will be stopped. So it will malfunction

What will happen if the chloroplasts of the plant cell which part will unable to do?

protect the cell

Where does light happen?

They occur in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts in plant cells.

Where does photosynthesis happen in a plant cell?

Photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts in plant cells.

What would happen to a plant cell that suddenly lost it's chloroplasts?

If a plant cell suddenly lost its chloroplasts, it would not be able to perform photosynthesis, which is crucial for producing energy in the form of glucose. As a result, the plant cell would not be able to sustain itself and function properly. It may become weakened, lose its green color, and eventually die if it is unable to obtain nutrients through alternative means.

What will happen if plant cells los chloroplasts?

Glucose for respiration is made by photosynthesis. So plant will die

Is it true photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells?

yes it can happen in any plant cell