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Q: What would happen to the amount of oxygen in Earth and atmosphere if half the trees on Earth were cut down Why?
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What planets do not have oxygen?

Only Earth has any significant amount of oxygen in its atmosphere.

Earth's atmosphere is unique because it contains a significant amount of?

Oxygen! ^_^

Why did the amount of oxygen's in earths atmosphere increase dramatically?

The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increased because the number of photosynthetic organisms, which release oxygen, on the earth dramatically increased. This lead to the Great Oxygenation Event, or the Oxygen Crisis, 2.4 billion years ago - when this free O2 entered the Earth's atmosphere.

Has the amount of oxygen released into the atmosphere increased in recent years?

The amount of oxygen released into the atmosphere has not noticeably increased in recent years. The amount of oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere is about 21%. It is part of the earth's oxygen cycle, the main driver of which is photosynthesis. Vegetation removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, releases the oxygen (O2) and stores the carbon (C).

What would happen if layer of carbon dioxide around the earth got thicker?

There is no insulating LAYER of Carbon Dioxide round the Earth. The Carbon Dioxide is mixed up with the Oxygen and Nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere and is not present in the atmosphere as a layer. If the absolute amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere increases, the Earth would get warmer.

What would happen if the insulating layer of carbon dioxide around the earth gets thicker?

There is no insulating LAYER of Carbon Dioxide round the Earth. The Carbon Dioxide is mixed up with the Oxygen and Nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere and is not present in the atmosphere as a layer. If the absolute amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere increases, the Earth would get warmer.

Do any other planets have oxygen in their atmospheres?

Earth is the only planet known to have a significant amount of oxygen molecules in its atmosphere.

How can earth sustain life?

The thick atmosphere has enough oxygen so than living things can happen.

Do any of the planet have oxygen in their atmosphere?

Yes. There is one planet with oxygen in its atmosphere: our home planet Earth.

How did the oxygen in the atmosphere get there?

The oxygen in Earth's atmosphere has been generated, over geological time, by the plant life on Earth.

What would happen if the amount of molecules in earth's atmosphere doubled?

They would create a double greenhouse effect

Is the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere diminishing?

No it isn't. We still have about 21% oxygen content in the atmosphere.