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Carnivores eat herbivores, but they also eat omnivores, which is another category that combines the herbivore and the carnivore. Certainly there would be much less food available to carnivores if all the herbivores were gone, and the number of carnivores would decrease, but as long as there are still omnivores, then there is the opportunity for some carnivores to continue to exist. For example, we human beings are omnivores, and even if all the herbivores were to disappear, we would find a way to continue to feed our pet dogs and cats, which are carnivores. Pigs are also omnivores, so presumably we would still have them as farm animals and food sources.

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Q: What would happen to the food chain if there was no rain at all?
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Nothing, because they are the top of the food chain.

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the plants are eaten by herbivors and herbivors are eaten by carnivors

What will happen if it wouldn't rain?

Trees and plants wouldn't grow, this would cause food shortage. I'm not sure how much it rains in summer, but it might rain 5/4 times.

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Somewere animals live and it rains alot

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let's just say that it's eat or be eaten

Why is biodiversity of the rain forest important?

the reason biodiversity in the rain forest is important because there is a chain reaction in the food chain creating a worry for extinction if we don't be careful we will lose hundreds of animals forever

What would happen if the howler monkey was removed from the food web in the rain forest?

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What are the examples of response to the environment?

An example would be acid rain, cuz it is sometimes natural (not all of it is caused by humans). So, when acid rain falls it kills many marine creatures, and this will eventually lead to a gap in the food chain.