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At this point, probably nothing. That's probably not politically correct, it's just true.

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Q: What would happen to this country if the US government didn't allow anymore immigrants into it?
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What would happen if a country had no federal government?

It would be total anarchy.

What would happen to the immigrants if English was made the official language of the US?

Without a government system in place to teach English to new immigrants (as they have in Israel), the law would only serve to persecute immigrants, and or prevent them from employment, even in jobs where language isn't a factor.

Which could happen in a country with a unitary government?

Strong military leadership and support.

What happen in the decade following the passage of the immigration act of 1990?

The period from the 1990s to the 2000s saw the largest numbers of immigrants in the country's history.

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It did not happen because not enough of the workers understood how to run a government. Also, there was no money in the country.

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People have a habit of eating. It is still a free country.

What happen to the immigrants if they were marked on there shoulder with chalk Ellis island?

the doctors wanted to know if the immigrants had mental problems. the immigrants had mental prblems.

What would happen if there was no government and no rules?

The basic purpose of government is to maintain law and order in country. If there is no government, its means that there is no law and order. Government has different types of departments and ministries which look after their specific work.

What happen to the steam boats?

they are outdated and not used anymore

What happen to illegal immigrants who try to live in another country?

Illegal immigrants who try to live in another country may face deportation, detention, and criminal charges. They can also be denied access to social services and may live with the constant fear of being discovered and removed from the country.

What would happen if the new zealand government stopped for a year?

The same as in every other country. The system would collapse.

What do you think would happen to the US if all immigrants stopped?
