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Q: What would happen to weight if you go on the moon?
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What would happen to my mass and weight if I was on the moon?

The mass would be the same where ever you go in the universe

What will happen of your mass if you go up to moon?

Nothing. Your mass isn't affected by gravity. Your weight changes though. Your weight in earth/6= your weight in moon

What would your weight and mass be if your were on the moon?

Your mass is the same wherever you go. Your weight on the moon is about 16.5% of what it is on Earth.

What would happen to your mass and weight when you go to moon?

Anything is about 17 percent its Earth weight if on the moon. For example, if 60 pounds on Earth, it is 10 pounds on the moon. Mass of two objects that are near each other causes weight, so the bigger the objects, the more the force of gravity.

What if the moon was smaller what would happen to the tides and the way it recycles?

The tides will go not as high and the moon will get closer to us

Would a person's weight and mass be the same on the moon?

Weight would be different because the moon has less gravity then the earth. (astronauts can jump higher on the moon) Mass would be the same. I do not lose any mass if i go to the moon unless, you cut my arm off.

Would an object have the same weight as it does on Earth as the moon?

No, If you were to go to the moon you would weigh less than you would on earth, that's why it is so easy to jump high on the moon, gravitational pull is weak on the moon! (:

What would happen if NASA detonated a nuclear bomb on the moon?

The blast would probably be seen on earth, but as the moon has no atmosphere most of the force would go into space.

What would happen to your weight if you go into space?

Your weight in space would decrease because the one and only reason is that, there is no gravitation in space.

What are three things that would happen if you had no moon?

the tides would go away it would be dark at night the beach would be no fun

Can your weight change depending on where you are?

Yes. Weight is what you get by whatever gravity there is and how much it pulls on your mass. If you'd go to the moon your mass would be unchanged but your weight would only be 1/6 of what it is on earth, as the moon only has 1/6 of the earths gravity.

If an astronaut hit a golf ball on the moon What would happen and why?

It would move and go 6 times as farther than on the moon due to the gravity of the moon being 1/6 of Earth's gravity.