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normally, the rubber rod and the peice of fur has an equal number of protons and electrons, making each balanced. When you rub these two together, the rubber rod takes on electrons from the fur, giving the rod more electrons than normal. A negative charge, where as the fur loses electrons creating a positive charge.

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it explodes in to a million pieces

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Q: What happens when a rubber rod is rubbed with a piece of fur?
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Not sure about a Peace of fur but when it is rubbed with a piece of fur you will get static electricity building up on the rod.

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Nothing would happen

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What happens when Amber is rubbed with fur?

Nothing happens. If it is not real amber just rubbing it will give off the scent of plastic.

What was the first experiment with static electricity?

By BC 600, a philosopher by name Thales rubbed fur by amber and found that rubbed amber attracts piece of fine particles. This was the first experiment conducted I think so.

If electrons are rubbed from cat's fur onto a rubber rod does the cats fur become positively or negatively charged?

Positively charged,because electrons are negatively charged and when you remove them only protons remain and those are positively charged,what makes the fur positively charged as well.

How are there two kinds of electric charges?

Electric charge is the fundamental property of particles which gives rise to electric force between them. It is found that when woollen cloth is rubbed against rubber shoes, both woollen and rubber shoes acquire charge and both objects attract each other. Same thing happens when fur is rubbed against ebonite rod. But when charged woollen cloth is brought near the charged fur they repel each other. This repulsion and attraction between the charged objects made Benjamin Franklin to think that there are two types of charges. He arbitrarily called them 'Positive' and 'Negative'.

How can you use the homophones fir and fur in one sentence?

The fir tree's branches were covered in soft fur shed by a passing animal.

When a glass rod and fur rubbed together electrons are transferred from the fur to rod. Is the fur charged If any positively or negatively charged How much compared to the rod?

Yes , if elctron goes from fur to rod, fur is positively charged

How big was fur elise orchestra?

fur elise was a piano piece

Is there a piece of clothing starting with the letter F?

fur coat;fur hat.

What is the charge on a piece of rubbed amber?

Friction strips electrons so the rubbed amber would take on a negative charge. Actually, friction causes charges to shift. Charges are indeed stripped from something, but they are collected up by something else. Amber does, indeed, become negatively charged by rubbing it with, say, fur. The phenomon is called triboelectric effect. And a link is provided.