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You would have a mineral defeciency and eventually become very ill. Your body needs minerals to maintain fluid/electrolyte balance to maintain homeostasis.

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Q: What would happen without minerals in your body?
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Well, that is impossible. You need to get protein into your body and the vitamins and minerals meat offers.

Why do we minerals?

Humans need minerals for their bodies to work. Their cells would not function correctly without certain minerals. Magnesium, for example, is responsible for about 300 different body reactions, so you wouldn't want to cut short on that mineral.

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With or without a suit on, the body would decompose because our bodies contian bacteria in our digestive tracts.

What happen is the body do not have enzymes?

Without enzymes,the chemical reactions in your body would occur too slow to support life processes.

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Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

Why do animals need minerals?

Minerals are crucial to the health of all human and animals alike. They play crucial roles in most every system in the body. Dog need minerals for a number of reasons ranging from protein digestion to bone health.

Without blood what would happen to your body?

Without blood, the body would not be able to carry out vital functions which needed to maintain life. The most important are: Blood supplies vital substances to the body (oxygen, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, glucose, hormones, electrolytes, etc). Blood carries cells which are part of our immune response, (Leukocytes), enables gas exchange, and carries away wastes. Additionally, it maintains proper level of pH, and regulates body temperature. Without these vital functions life would be impossible to maintain. More info about blood could be found on related links.