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Hitler either would not have mass murdered them all, or They would created just extermination camps instead.

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Q: What would happened if the concentration camps were not made?
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What was made in concentration camps?


Why did they made concerntration camps?

they made concentration camps because the Navi people did not trust the Jewish

When were Nazi concentration camps made?


What happened to the Jews after the Nazis killed them?

If it was before the concentration camps were made then they usually buried them in graves often dug by the victims themselves or by slave laborers, or they would be left were they fell. After concentration camps were made they were often cremated in ovens designed just for this purpose although burying was still employed as well. This was usually the case if the victims were transported to the camps. If it was in the field murder then burial was most often employed if time permitted.

Someone who made it through concentration camps?

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How many families were sent to the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

around 8 million families were sent to concentration camps in the holocaust and in which few made it out alive. ____ The number of individuals sent to concentration and extermination camps was lower than this ...

What had happened during the holocaust?

Hitler, leader of the Nazi's, wanted to get rid of other races, mainly Jews, so they made concentration camps to kill them all.

What caused the people to be sent to the concentration camps?

Hitler was very racist and did not like Jews or people of darker skin. he made various concentration and extermination camps around Europe.

What kind of medical experimants were made in concentration camps?

Bumch of needle injections and at the start Gassing

Who helped free people from the concentration camps?

most escape attempts were made with the support of local resistance groups, as the escapees would need to know where they were and how to get to safety.

What was true about Japanese interment?

People were forced to leave their homes and businesses and made to live in concentration camps.

What are two ways Hitler dealt with world war 2 in Germany?

The made concentration camps to exterminate the Jews