

What would happn to a human if traveled to Neptune?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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if you traveld on a space ship to neptune the space ship would freeze and crash and tou would die from the cold temperature

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Q: What would happn to a human if traveled to Neptune?
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What would happen to a human if they traveled to the planet Neptune?

you will sufficate and die ohhh yeah

What would happen to humans if they traveled to neptune?

the man die with coldness.

Would a human survive Neptune?

No 1 can survive on neptune

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Then a human would arrive at an asteroid.

How old would a human be on Neptune?

your age times 5. for example if I'm 25 then I'd be125 on neptune.

Would a human being burn on neptune?

No, there is no free oxygen in Neptune's atmosphere and you are too far from the sun for sunburn..

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What clothes would you wear on Neptune?

If you look at the common weather of Neptune you will find that it is 150 Centigrade, with winds ranging about 900 miles per hour near the equator. The human body could not handle this temperature nor the wind. So, basically it would not be possible for a human to be on Neptune and live no matter what you wore.

Would a human being be squashed on neptune because of the gravity?

No. The gravity at Neptune's nominal "surface" is only about 14% greater than it is on Earth. If you had a platform you would be able to stand without much difficulty.

Has anyone been on Neptune?

No, there have been no human landings on Neptune for the following reasons: - Technology. We currently do not have the technology to build space shuttles capable of travelling further than our own orbit and moon. - Temperature. Planet Neptune is freezing. Any human who gets close to the planet would freeze to death in seconds. Any electrical equipment would also freeze, jam and malfunction. - Distance. Neptune is millions of miles away. It would take years to get there if we had the capability to. However Neptune has been explored with unmanned exploration satellites.

Can you send a human to Neptune?

Considering that no human has been to Mars, so far, it seems a bit premature to talk about sending someone to the far more distant planet Neptune. However, the technology of space travel does exist (as proved by the 1969 moon landing) and if we were willing to spend the very large amount of money needed to build an interplanetary spaceship and to launch the mission, it is possible for a human to travel to Neptune. I will add that Neptune itself is not the kind of planet on which a human could land - it is a gas giant, made mostly of gas - but the moons of Neptune would be interesting to visit.