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One L of gold would have a mass approximately 19 times that of 1 L of water. This is because the density of gold is ~19 x that of water.

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Q: What would have a larger mass 1 L gold or 1 L water?
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Is gold heavier than water?

its mass is larger, if that's what u meant but it depends on how many pounds of water/gold u have

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How did Archimedes found the purity of crown?

Archimedes when went into his bath tub to bathe at that time he observed water flowing out of bath tub. He observed that the water displaced should be equal to the mass of his body or volume of his body.similarly somehow knew the density of gold and found out the volume of gold needed to make crown of that much weight hence he got the mass of gold crown. Now he got mass of gold crown and this mass needed to be equal to the water displaced when crown put in water. If the crown was pure then the masses would be equal AND IF NOT then the mass of crown found by Archimedes would be drastically more or drastically less because the person who made the crown would have used another metal.

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Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus, also, water is a covalently bonded substance, whereas gold is a metallic structure of gold atoms.

What explains the difference between the mass of water and the mass of gold?

Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus, also, water is a covalently bonded substance, whereas gold is a metallic structure of gold atoms.

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a golf ball, only if it is made of gold because of the very specific atomic mass of gold.

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I don’t know

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