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Q: What would have happened if both unions had survived into the 20th century?
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If there had been a panic on the board, not a single person would have survived. The boats might have been overloaded and sunk into the sea.

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In the 14th century, witches were either burned at the stake, or if not completely sure that they had magic, the people would drown them. If they floated they knew of the innocence, but if not, the magic they never had would die with them

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One Holocaust survivor, David Faber, survived because he promised his mother (who was murdered) he would tell the world what happened.

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Nika is a kind person who helped Justine, so if Justine had not made it Nika and her family would be very sad!

If an event happened in AD 49 When would this event happened In forty ninth century in the first century 49 years ago or before christ was born?

It would occur in the 49th century, as we are currently in the 2000th century. I am truly hoping that the first answer was a joke, but you never know. We are currently in the 20th Century, so the 49th Century has not happened yet. AD 49 is forty-nine years after Christ was born, in the 1st Century AD, from the Latin anno domini (In the Year of Our Lord). 49 BC is forty-nine years Before Christ. The AD and BC are used whenever confusion may result. Sometimes BC is substituted by BCE (Before the Common Era).

What do tou think would happened if the nuclear weapons exploded in a residential area?

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that is where most damage occurred. Military and industrial structures survived better.

How many years in 2.5 centuries?

a Century is just 100 years, that why people say we are in the 21st century and that world war 2 happened in the 20th century, so 2.5 centuries would be 250 years

Employers resisted collective bargaining because they believe that?

unions would interfere with their rights. By:Erica Parsons :P :)

What kinds of animals might have survived the period of reduced light?

Animals that would have survived on reduced light would be those that are meat eaters. Of course, they wouldn't have survived long because plants would dies and they wouldn't have oxygen.