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the bend of a river I believe

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Q: What would have the finest sedimentary particles?
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What type of rock is formed from particles or dissolved minerals from previously existing rocks?

The rock described would be a clastic sedimentary rock.

Which sedimentary rocks are derived from weathered particles?

Detrital sedimentary rocks are made from weathered rocks.

What clastic sedimentary rock is made from finest sediment?

Metamorphic rock

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Which describes breccia?

A. a clastic sedimentary rock with angular particles B. a chemical sedimentary rock C. a biochemical sedimentary rock D. a clastic sedimentary rock with large, rounded particles answer is a

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Sedimentary rocks form when layers of small particles are compressed?

The small particles are compressed under water to then form sedimentary rocks

What is a Rock formed particles that have fallen to the bottom of a lake or ocean?

The rock type thus formed would be sedimentary. What type of sedimentary rock formed would depend on a multitude of factors.

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Inorganic soil constituent with the finest particles is?


Does a sedimentary rocks contain particles from other rocks?

yes sedimentary rock countain all particles from both igneous and metamorphic rock.