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Q: What would human nutrients do to the oyster?
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How does the oyster mushroom obtain it nutrients?

Oyster mushroom is Basidiomycetes Fungus. They grow on trees and live as parasites on them . They obtain food nutrients such as nitrogenous substances from the trees and don't give anything back to tree & also doesn't harm the tree.

What will happen if there is unavailability of nutrients?

Eventually the plant, animal or human would die.

Does an oyster have a heartbeat?

Yes, An oyster has one heart like a human. Their heart is broken up into three chambers instead of four though.

What happens if there are excess nutrients in our bodies?

Your food which contains the nutrients goes through your digestive system. This should take all essential nutrients out. It is not likely there would be any nutrients left in your body but if there was you would descrete them (they would come out in your poo)

How does nutrients get in the human body?

by eating a food which contains these nutrients

How many oyster crackers could a crack oyster cracker cracker crack if a crack oyster cracker cracker could crack oyster crackers?

A crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker would crack as many crackalackin' crack oyster crackers as a crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker could crack, if a crack oyster cracker cracker could crack oyster crackers in a crackalackin' way.

What would not eating for a month do to the human body?

it would cause it to start feeding off the body's own nutrients and fats that are in it.

How can you use the word oyster?

There is an oyster. I ate an oyster. Oyster.

What does a fruit do for human?

It provides nutrients

The human body uses what to function?

You question can be answered in any number of ways but the best one, perhaps, would be nutrients.

How many nutrients does a human need?


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