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Q: What would it feel like to be eaten by a giant spider?
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The only reason I would think that you would feel assaimed is because you didn't really want to do it or you feel like you are just using him/her

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Actually, It would probably feel like air, because Saturn is a gas giant.

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If I became a giant, I would feel powerful yet possibly isolated due to my size difference from others. I might also feel a sense of responsibility to use my size for good and to help those around me.

Would it hurt to get a spider bite piercing?

No not at all. It's a quick pinch that you barely feel. I have them. They're awesome and didn't hurt a bit.

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On the first one I put small giant or little giant! The next one I put smart dunce or a dumb professor. For the last I put evil hero!

Why would a mother cat after 5 weeks eat a baby?

Because the kitten is unhealthy. Feel sorry for u that your cat has eaten her kitten :(

When a spider finishes his web does it wait in the centre?

sometimes i would suppose. but my understanding was that they find a small crevice and hide in it until they feel the web vibrate.

What will you get when a spider bites you?

you feel a spider bite by a sharp pain that shoots through your body if you get bit by a black widow then you feel like someone is tyring to brake your back Jake

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