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Longer suffering at the grocery store!

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Q: What would life be like without bar codes?
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What would the world be like without bill gates?


Is economics considered social studies?

this is like nature and the balance of life , they can not and do not exist without each other, like man and women, just like plants need rain and sunlight, just as night follows day!. Because of the nature of capitalism social studies does not exist without economics and visa versa.

What happens to equillibrium price when income increases?

As Gearge Gray said the equillibrium price gets attacked by twinkies when the income increases because twinkies like the equilibberium price without it they would be like a baseball without a bat, a cat without a heart, a drug addict without drugs, in other workds DEAD.USELESS. They love there twinkies with the angelic cream filling just as the twinkies love them. LIKE us and we'll LOVE you.<3

Why is competition important?

Competition is important because without it there would be no markets. What would sports be like without competition, nothing and it is the same with the economy. Competition can be taken away with the use of monopolies, and this was evident in the early 20th century. Competition plays a necessary role in the economy around the world and keeps it going.

Is competition important?

Competition is important because without it there would be no markets. What would sports be like without competition, nothing and it is the same with the economy. Competition can be taken away with the use of monopolies, and this was evident in the early 20th century. Competition plays a necessary role in the economy around the world and keeps it going.

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There would be no life.

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it will be a hard life if there is no inventions.

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Would not exist at all so wouldn't be like anything.

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it would be very good

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life would be dull and there would be alot more daeths in the world.

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life would be nothing without animals because animals give us food like meat and vegetables and dairy so life will be so weird without animals

What would life be like without learning?

A lot like a TV sitcom.