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Q: What would life be like without miracles?
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What would life be like without electricty?

Try turning it off and the answer will be found directly.

What would this world be like without fairness?

bye bye

What if a cell had no nucleus?

There would not be a cell without a nucleus it is like saying what if a human without a brain. It is impossible.

What would the world be like without?

well first frog and more animals would dye

Life cycle of a blue tang?

i would like to know!!

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If Jesus did not perform miracles would he still be the messiah?

Most certainly. His miracles were a sign of His power over life and death, but they were not required to proove who He was. His miracles were done out of compassion and of necessity, like the loaves and the fishes.

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There would be no life.

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Life would not exist.

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Life would be directionless.

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Would not exist at all so wouldn't be like anything.

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it would be very good

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life would be dull and there would be alot more daeths in the world.

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A lot like a TV sitcom.