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Emile Durkheim might ask how the 2001 terrorist attacks have affected social solidarity and integration within American society. He might also question the role of social norms and values in the aftermath of the attacks, as well as how they have influenced collective consciousness and potential for social cohesion.

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Q: What would likely be a question Emile durkheim would ask about the 2001 terrorist attacks?
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Emile durkheims study of suicide related suicide rates to?

Emile Durkheim's study of suicide related suicide rates to social factors such as integration and regulation within society. He found that individuals with weaker social ties and lower levels of social integration were more likely to commit suicide. Durkheim's work highlighted the importance of social relationships and support systems in preventing suicide.

How many people die as the result of dog attacks every year?

In the United States, around 30-40 people die each year as a result of dog attacks.

Why Sociologist might think differently from a counselor about suicide?

Sociologists may approach suicide from a structural perspective, focusing on societal factors such as inequality, social norms, and cultural influences. Counselors, on the other hand, may focus more on individual mental health issues, coping strategies, and providing emotional support to individuals in crisis. Both perspectives can complement each other in understanding and addressing the complex issue of suicide.

What is social disorganization?

Social disorganization is a theoretical perspective that suggests crime and deviance are more likely to occur in communities with weak social ties, lack of social control, and high levels of disorder. Factors such as poverty, residential instability, and ethnic heterogeneity can contribute to social disorganization within a community, making it vulnerable to higher crime rates.

How many people are called keisha?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it varies. Keisha is a relatively common name in some regions, particularly in the United States, but its popularity can change over time. There are likely many people with the name Keisha worldwide.

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Where do experts anticipate that biological terrorist attacks will occur?

Experts anticipate that biological terrorist attacks are the most likely to occur, and will have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people.

With Uncounted terrorist as on Dateline and it 2002s 911 plane crash with the terrorist falsified marriages into the US how safe am I Obama from death and terrorism in the USA being unemployment high?

You're actually quite safe from terrorist attacks. In the US, you stand a far greater chance of being killed by a bee sting. Traffic collisions are far more likely to prove lethal than either bees or terrorists.

Were do people most likely to terrorist?

populated areas.

Are there any terrorist in the us?

It is more than likely.

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How aeroplanes are grounded?

Severe weather conditions, evidence that there is to be a terrorist attack or that a terrorist is likely to occur, the plane itself will not be able to fly.

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What if terrorist had Nuclear weapons?

Things will likely get very messy and unpredictable.

If a dog attacks you how does the dog most likely feel?

If a dog attacks you, it likely feels that you are some kind of threat to itself, its pack, or its territory.

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unpredictable attacks resembling heart attacks

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When does disasters usually happen?

Disasters can happen at any time, but they are often more likely during extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or wildfires. Additionally, human-made disasters like industrial accidents or terrorist attacks can occur unexpectedly. It is important to be prepared for disasters at all times.