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Q: What would make a boxer dog drool constantly when there is no food involved?
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Kick boxer A Kickboxer would knock a boxer out any day!

Do people drool after they die?

When people die, they often expel their bodily fluids. It would not be uncommon for a deceased person to drool, urinate, or defecate.

Would you rather bring a boxer or miniature yorkie to the beach?

you would rather bring a boxer

What are some reasons against of US involvement in the boxer rebellion?

United States involvement in the Boxer Rebellion would have contradicted the ideals George Washington laid out in his farewell address. It also would have violated the Monroe Doctrine by becoming involved in Europe's colonial matters

Why does drool smell like it does?

drool smells? It dose because of how are body is. well think of it like this if you just finished a garlic and cheese samwich, your breath would stink wouldn't it? this is with out brushing okay also if your teef are in terrible shape you drool will stink an obviously you spit too that's why i think drool smells the way it dose.

How does boxer feel about human life?

It would depend on the boxer.

When would an individual drool?

People often drool when they are asleep, this is caused by breathing through your mouth which causes the saliva glands to become stimulated which can eventually pool up and overflow out of your mouth.

Where would you find Joe Boxer Perfume?

you would find joe boxer perfume at k-mart

Which dog is better saint bernard or boxer?

It depends on what you would like it for.. If you would like it for running then a boxer is the way to go :)

Why would your dog drool when its with another dog?

It could be from playing with each other and they are just tired.