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Q: What would medieval people use to treat dysentery?
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By bleeding people, doctors back then thought bleeding would get the sickness out.

How did men in the civil war treat dysentery?

they would take a certain amount of blood from their body. they thought this would get rid of the bacteria inside their body's

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In medieval times they would have used certain herbs to help cure or help with the pain.

How long do people have dysentery?

People could have ha dysentery for years. If not treated properly it wouldn't stop until death. Back in the days of slavery their captors would stuff into the anus of those with dysentery a rope with knots to hide the disease from potential buyers.

What are medieval attitudes?

Attitudes which we would associate with the Middle Ages. (not necessarily the attitudes real medieval people would have had).

How do you treat people with dignity and respect?

say a mambo jumbo hsa uioplo Do as you would be done by. Treat people as you would want them to treat you.

How should you treat people?

Treat people the way you would like to be treated

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Creating equality involves promoting fairness and justice in all aspects of society. This can be achieved by implementing policies that address systemic discrimination, providing equal access to resources and opportunities for everyone, and actively challenging biases and stereotypes. It also requires fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and respect for diversity.

How do you treat dysentery in Australia?

You would now use antibiotics, but they used to use a mixture of egg white, pine needles, and water. Sounds gross.

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Would people in a relatively unsanitary environment possibly joke about dysentery on occasion?

yes they can if they are mannerless and without any decency

How people treat you deflects how you treat someone?

this can reflect you treatment of other people because you could: a. treat people the same as people have treated you b. or treat people as you would treat your most favorite person in all history