

What would planets get from the sun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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light because the sun is warm and round

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Q: What would planets get from the sun?
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How many planets is it away from the sun?

Jupiter would be.....5 planets from the sun. =]

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the planets would not receive heat from the sun and all life on earth would cease to exist. also the planets would not rotate or be held in place. the sun is what holds the planets together in orbit.

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The planets would slowly start to randomly go in directions, eventually colliding into the sun, or other planets.

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That would be the planets around the sun.

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The Sun is not a planet. It is a star. The Earth has gas on it, but it is not gaseous compared to the planets defined as gaseous. So your answer would be no the Sun and the Earth are not gaseous planets.

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If there was no gravity, the Sun and and the planets would never have formed.

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The Latin word for sun is sol so solar would represent the sun and system would be all the eight planets.

Would it be possible for a planet to revolve about the sun?

The planets orbit the sun.

Why does the planets orbit the sun?

Because the Sun has a great gravitational pull on the planets. Without the Sun the planets would travel in straight lines (ignoring other gravitational forces in the Universe.)

Does a planets distance from the sun relate of surface found on the planets?

because the sun is far away from Pluto the planets suface would be ice i hope that helped you.

What are rocky metalic objects that orbit the sun?

Planets or dwarf planets, depending on their size. (The larger ones would be planets, smaller would be dwarf planets.)