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a ballon and another balloon

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Q: What would rubbing against each other will produce static electricity?
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Related questions

How do you create static electricity with wool and styrofoam?

You can make some static electricity by rubbing wool or styrofoam against your head

What causes static electricty?

Static electricity is a build up of electrons that are rubbed off by things rubbing against each other. Static electricity is a problem on dry days with low humidity. Even the wind rubbing on cars can build up static electricity, a comb or balloon rubbed against clean hair builds up static electricity and of course lightening is a discharge of static electricity from the clouds to the Earth.

The kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Rubbing a balloon on your head can produce static electricity. This can also be accomplished by shuffling your feet across a carpet, when the humidity is very low. Another method that is used in science classes is the rubbing of a glass rod against a silk cloth. This allows the transfer of electrons to the rod. Another method is the use of a Van de Graaff generator, or a Whimshurst machine.

How static electricity produced?

friction. two objects rubbing against each other.

Why does rubbing wool against plastic create static electricity?

Rubbing wool against plastic doesn't actually "create" static electricity. However, rubbing wool and plastic together does increase the surface area of the two materials that are coming into contact. When this happens electrons are exchanged between the two surfaces creating an imbalance. It is this imbalance of electrons that we see as static electricity.

What charge occurs when rubbing a balloon with plastic?

it will produce static electricity and the static electricity will make the balloons stick together for about 2 seconds

Is rubbing a balloon current or static electricity?


When did thales of milletus discover electricity?

Thales discovered static electricity by rubbing a peice of amber against a silk cloth.

How does a generator produce static electricity?

Static generators, such as the Wimshurst and the Van deGraaff, both separatecharges by rubbing/scraping one surface against another. They differ in howthey store the charge before the zzapp occurs.

Why frictional electricity is known as static electricity?

Becuase static electricity is generated by rubbing or by friction.

What are some testable questions involving static electricity For example Does rubbing an object more cause more static electricity?

Which materials make more static electricity when different objects are rubbed up against eachother.

Type of electricity produced by rubbing plastic?

Static electricity.