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If the secondary consumers are removed then the apex predators will die with no prey to prey on.

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Q: What would the animals if all producers were removed from the environment?
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Predict how an ecosystem would respond if either its producers or its detrivores and decomposers were removed Be sure to explain your reasoning?

If the producers were removed then there would be no beginning to the food chain and the complete ecosystem would die off. If the detrivores and decomposers were removed there would be no organic nutrients and all the dead plants would ruin the animals habitat.The ecosystem will be fill by plants and animal wastes as there will be no decompositon of waste material. .

What would happen if carbon dioxide (co2) was removed from a plants environment?

The plant would die. Plants need co2 to make oxygen which humans and animals need to exist.

What might happen if the producer disappeared?

if the producers disappeared the other animals such as the primary, secondary,and tertiary consumers and the decomposer would not have anything to eat because the producers would not exist so all the other animals would become extinct.

Why are producers essential to the ecosystem?

Producers are what make energy for animals and human being. Without it we'd all be dead. Producers makes it's own energy from the sun, nutrients from the soil, and from water. A hebivore eats a producer because it can't make it's own food. A carnivore eats other animals. An omnivore eats both plants and animals. My point is that humans eat animals and produders. If there wasn't any the animals would die and then we would die.

Nutrients would be lost without?

animals that eat both producers and other consumers are

What would nutrients be lost without?

animals that eat both producers and other consumers are

What would happen if there were no producers?

The thing that gets eaten by the producer will just increase because no one eats them

How would the food web be affected if jaguars went extinct?

If the main predator is removed from an area, the prey animal population in the area will increase. If the increase of previously prey animals becomes too much, the environment will suffer. A balance between the number of predators, compared to the prey animals available, ensures that the environment will also be balanced, and only healthy animals will thrive.

What would happen if the howler monkey was removed from the food web in the rain forest?

If any animal was removed from the food web the animals that it would prey on would overpopulate and the animals that hunted it would starve because it has nothing to feed on.

What do you think would happen if the skin or body covering of a live animals were removed?

the animals who has scales on the body

What populations of organisms would be affected if grass is removed?

Almost all of the organisms will be affected because the grass is the first step in energy flow or what we called PRODUCERS.

Does the environment rely on human life?

No, it's human life that relies on the environment for life. The environment of earth would survive and thrive if there were no humans here. We're the ones who make carbon dioxide for plans and other producers. All animals make carbon dioxide, not just humans. The earth and all it's animal and plant life would do just fine without a single human on the planet. In fact, they would all increase in numbers except for the domesticated animals that rely on humans. They would have to revert back to their wild state...or perish.